How to get Google reCAPTCHA and implement it into Easy Form Builder?

Easy Form Builder is a user-friendly plugin that lets you create professional-looking forms without coding skills. By adding Google reCAPTCHA to your forms, you can prevent spam and ensure that your form submissions are legitimate. In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through the steps of adding and customizing Google reCAPTCHA on Easy Form Builder.

  • Generating reCAPTCHA Keys in Google
  • Adding a New Form and Customizing Form Fields
  • Editing Form Settings and Implementing Google reCAPTCHA
  • Displaying Forms on Your Site

Generating reCAPTCHA Keys in Google

Watch this informative video to discover the step-by-step process of creating a Google reCAPTCHA and obtaining the essential keys for Easy Form Builder

Step 1: Add a New Form and Customize Form Fields

create form easy form builder

First, make sure you’ve installed and activated Easy Form Builder on your WordPress site. Then, log into your WordPress admin area and go to the Forms Overview page. Click on the create button in the sidebar to start a new form.

Choose the type of form you need, such as a contact-us form, and drag and drop the required fields to your form, such as Telephone number, Signature, Location Picker, E-mail, and Password.

create contact-us easy form builder

On this page of the form builder, you will need to choose the type of form you need, such as a contact-us form. The form builder will take you to the Fields screen, where you can drag and drop various fields, such as Telephone number, Signature, Location Picker, E-mail, and Password, from the left side of the page to your form.

Step 2: Edit Form Settings and Add Google reCAPTCHA

To access your form’s settings, click on the Form Settings in the header bar of the form builder. Click on Add Google reCAPTCHA to the form icon and save your form.

Once you’ve added Google reCAPTCHA, you can customize its appearance and behavior by selecting options such as theme, language, and badge position.

After adding Google reCAPTCHA to the form you should save your form.

You will see a message, You have successfully saved your form

Step 3: Display Forms on Your Site

There is a way to add your forms to your site. This tutorial will focus on how to display forms on your site within a page or a post.

By integrating Google reCAPTCHA on Easy Form Builder, you can enhance the reliability of your website’s forms. Follow the steps outlined in this tutorial to ensure that your visitors can submit their information with confidence. Start using Easy Form Builder today to create professional forms with ease!