If you’re having trouble seeing all the shortcodes available in WPBakery Page Builder, you can enable all options by going to WPBakery Page Builder > Role Manager in the WordPress admin panel and saving the settings. If that doesn’t work, follow the steps below:

Adding Shortcodes of New Forms in WPBakery Block

WP-bakery Easy Form Builder

1-Paste the shortcode of your form in the following code:

<div id='body_efb' class='efb card card-public row pb-3 efb'>Paste_Your_ShortCode_Here</div>

2- Add a text block and go to the Text tab.

3-Paste your code in the text block.

Adding Shortcodes of Confirmation Code Finder in WPBakery Block

1- Copy the following code:

<script>let sitekye_emsFormBuilder='' </script>
<div id="body_tracker_emsFormBuilder">
<div id="alert_efb" class="efb mx-5"></div>

2- Add a text block and go to the Text tab. Paste the code into the block.

That’s it! You should now be able to use all the shortcodes for Easy Form Builder in WPBakery.