Resolving 403 Error in Form Submission on Easy Form Builder

Encountering a 403 error during form submission can be frustrating. This issue typically arises when the system’s security checks fail to authenticate your identity while interacting with forms.

If you’re a WordPress site admin facing this error, especially after multiple form submissions, the culprit may be Caches plugin. Reach out to Cache support for guidance.

It’s important to note below list and the Easy Form Builder plugin work well together. However, if the 403 error persists after configuring this list, contact Easy Forms support for further assistance.

  • Jetpack
  • LiteSpeed Cache
  • WP-rocket
  • WP Super Cache
  • Auto-Optimize
  • WP-Optimize
  • W3 Total Cache
  • WP Fastest Cache
  • Hummingbird

Steps to Resolve:

Update your WordPress Easy Form Builder plugin to version 3.7.6+ and ensure you are using the latest version for optimal performance.

Identify Cache: Check if Cache plugin is installed on your WordPress site.

Consult Easy Form Builder Support: If issues persist after adjusting about list, reach out to Easy Form Builder support for additional help.

If you have any plugins installed other than LiteSpeed Cache, first contact the support team of the caching plugin. Then, reach out to the Easy Forms support team for further assistance.

In conclusion, resolving the 403 error in form submissions requires collaboration between Caches plugins support and Easy Forms Builder team.