Elevate Your Form-Building Experience with Easy Form Builder’s version 3.7.21!

🚀 Exciting News Alert! 🚀 🎉 We’re thrilled to announce the latest enhancements to Easy Form Builder, designed to elevate your form-building experience to new heights! 🎉 Here’s a rundown of what’s fresh and improved: 1️⃣ Enhanced File Management: We’ve revamped our file handling system by renaming all JS and CSS files, ensuring seamless integration …

Resolving 403 Error in Form Submission on Easy Form Builder

Encountering a 403 error during form submission can be frustrating. This issue typically arises when the system’s security checks fail to authenticate your identity while interacting with forms. If you’re a WordPress site admin facing this error, especially after multiple form submissions, the culprit may be Caches plugin. Reach out to Cache support for guidance. …

Setting Up SMS Notifications in WordPress with Easy Form Builder

Easily receive notification messages in WordPress when forms are submitted with just a few simple steps. To set up SMS notification upon form submission using the Easy Form Builder and the WP SMS plugin by VeronaLabs, follow these steps: Install and Activate Easy Form Builder: Begin by installing and activating the Easy Form Builder plugin …

How to Link Pricing Table Buttons with a WordPress Payment Form

In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through a swift and straightforward process to seamlessly integrate a pricing table with a payment form using the Easy Form Builder WordPress plugin. Start by installing the Easy Form Builder plugin on your WordPress site and activating its Pro version to unlock the ability to create payment forms. Once …

How to Send Form Data to Admin Email via Easy Form Builder

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to send a notification email to the person who is admin of Forms. Before getting started, you’ll need to create a new form or edit an existing one to access the form builder. Then, make sure to complete the basic form Email notification setup. To configure this, utilize …

Sending a Notification Email to the Person Who Submitted the Form

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of sending a notification email to the individual who has completed your form. Before diving into the steps, ensure that you have either created a new form or edited an existing one to access the form builder. Then, proceed to set up the basic email …

Enhancing Form Functionality with Disabled and Hidden Fields | Easy Form Builder Tutorial

Discover the power of disabled and hidden fields in Easy Form Builder to enhance your form’s functionality. In this tutorial, we will explore how the disabled field option restricts users from modifying default or previously entered values, and how the hidden field conceals form elements from users while ensuring data transmission to the backend. Learn …

How To Edit A Redirect Page (Thank you Page) Of Forms On Easy Form Builder ?

How To Edit A Redirect Page (Thank you Page) Of Forms On Easy Form Builder ? By using the Easy Form Builder plugin for your forms, you can show visitors a thank you page (Redirect Page) after they fill out a form. This is a professional way to confirm that the form has been successfully …

How to Activate Pro version easy form builder plugin

How to activate the pro version of Easy form builder Unlock the full potential of Easy Form Builder by activating the pro version today! With automatic updates and support, you’ll never have to worry about missing out on new features or encountering bugs. Discover the power of Easy Form Builder and take your form creation …

How to Create a Payment Form in Easy Form Builder ?

How to Create a Payment Form in Easy Form Builder? Do you want to allow your users to make payments directly through your WordPress forms? With Easy Form Builder, you can create and customize payment forms in just a few steps! Step 1: Add Stripe Keys in Easy Form Builder Before creating a payment form, …